2012- Year of the BABY!!
On January 4th, I was at work and I was feeling exceptionally bloated, tired, and I had some other lady issues I was dealing with ;) When I got home from work, I was exhausted! We sat down to watch and movie and eat dinner- I convinced Shawn to watch "Bird on a Wire" with Mel Gibson and Goldie Haun. The whole day I had wanted to take a pregnancy test, but I was trying to talk myself into waiting at least another week so the test would be more accurate. But while we were watching the movie, I got up to take a potty break...and if you know me, you know I'm bad at waiting. I can't wait to give presents, I can't wait for Christmas, I can't wait to share good news, I can't wait for vacation...and the list goes on! So, I said to myself, ah, might as well try. It's probably not gonna show this early anyway, but why not? So, I did the deed, waited for about 30 seconds and BAM! Pregnant! haha!!! NO WAY!! Those were my exact words. (I bought the digital kind so there was NO confusion.) I took 2 steps to rush and tell Shawn, briefly considered figuring out some cute way to tell him, and decided, who am I kidding? I'm never gonna be able to wait. So went into the living room, flashed that awesome pregnancy test and Shawn was so happy! He said "I'm gonna be a daddy!"
Let me tell you, the past few days have been a whirlwind of emotions. I went from fairly unconcerned about my physical health to being incredibly worried about every little thing I am feeling. I can't eat without thinking about what I'm feeding my child. My spare time is being spent perusing the internet looking for nursery decor, learning about pregnancy, and talking to Shawn about future plans.
I've already been experiencing the typical 1st trimester pregnancy. I've been nauseated, tired, sensitive... I'm sure that the further along I get into the 1st trimester, the worse these symptoms are gonna be!
Shawn is such an excited daddy. He has been just like I thought he would be- involved, sensitive, interested, caring....many men could learn a thing or two from my husband. The day after we found out about little Charlee, I came home to a present underneath our tree (yes, we still have our tree up). What was it? Two books: "What to Expect When You're Expecting" and the companion pregnancy journal that goes along with it. Then, Shawn went out to buy me some gingerale for the nausea, and he came home with all sorts of "pregnancy superfoods" that are known to be vital in the development of babies in the womb:) My honey has cleaned my house, cooked for me, and been so wonderful! I'm very blessed.
Our first doctor's visit is on January 26th. Let me tell you, I cannot wait to see my little munchkin for the 1st time and to hear his or her heart beat (maybe there will be 2 heart beats to hear!...here's hoping!) It's a long time for a new mom to wait, but until then, I'm going to be praying for our little one that God would form and care for Charlee. I read today about worry because unfortunately it has been plaguing me already---but I was reminded of a couple of things: 1. I can't add a single minute to my life (or my child's) by worrying 2. God feeds the ravens, clothes the lilys, and watches the sparrows--so He's DEFINITELY watching over us 3. I shouldn't be anxious, but rather pray- because God will grant me peace.
More to come later, but rejoice with us at this new little life the Lord has brought us, and also for the new phase of life we're entering.
Jaclyn, Shawn, Charlee, and don't forget Jericho...
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