Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Getting started on our road trip! Chicago 1st:)

 We left for our road trip on Tuesday.  Shawn was an angel and drove all the way to indianapolis and I didn't have to drive any!  We had a late-night stop in Cincinnati to buy some rain coats, then we drove to indianapolis to spend the night at the KOA.  We set up camp, went to bed, then woke up, packed up, and headed out for Chicago Land to visit Peli and Joshua.  1st trip together-  Lake Michigan and the Jelly Belly factory.  Hope you enjoy the pics!

Starting mileage:)

1st site- KOA Indy
Wind Turbines in Indiana

Peli sticking her feet in lake michigan

kissy kissy

good friends:)

Not us, but a few braved the chilly  water

shawn's project

Jelly belly factory

Jelly belly murals!

bertie bott's-- yay harry potter:) We sampled the earwax, grass, soap, sausage, & Rotten Eggs!

Sam- The jelly belly recipe master. he wrote a book that jelly belly won't publish

1 comment:

  1. love the pics! Lake MI is so beautiful! ^_^
