Sunday, October 30, 2011


After writing my huge post about the money Mirror, I felt so encouraged!  I felt pumped up like shawn and I could beast this budget thing, always make the right decisions, and pay off exactly what we put our hearts to.  Well, the next day, Shawn and I went grocery shopping.  Well, normally I do the shopping, or I write a specific list out for shawn and gets exactly what's on that list.  We had friends come into town yesterday, and we needed food really bad, so we decided to knock it out real fast together.  MISTAKE.  We ended up picking up lots of stuff that wasn't on the list, we bought TWO bags of rice accidentally (I picked up one and Shawn picked up one), bought too much meat b/c our communication obviously wasn't working, bought one bag too many chips, and bought a thing of drano that we didn't need b/c we ended up finding out the shower plumbing problem was just a surface one.  I gasped when I saw the total.  How could we have gone over by so much?  I used a few coupons though, so that was a good thing I thought---Until I started checking the receipt on the way home.  They did not scan my coupons in!  I begged shawn to turn around (we weren't far away at all) but he wasn't having it.  He was hungry and wanted to get back to the house I guess.  So, After being super angry, discouraged, and saddened by our lack of communication and planning, I tried to get over it.  I opened up our Excel budget and wiggled our money around until it all made sense and we were still in the green.  No "blow" money this week, for sure.  That's ok though.  At least we have 2 bags of lays potato chips and two bags of rice to see us through:)

  Lesson Learned: if Fail to plan, you plan to fail.

"For which one of you, when he wants to build a tower, does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if he has enough to complete it? “Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who observe it begin to ridicule him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish."  Luke 14: 28

Take the extra 30 minutes, make a meal plan according to your budget, STICK to it, and for heavens sake, don't bring your hungry husband to grocery shop with you:) 

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