Hey guys:) Shawn and I made it safely to auburn, AL, where we will be living for the next year, possibly two. I haven't finished blogging our trip though, so I hope you continue to enjoy the photos of all of our fun!
After our week in idaho (unfortunately, I didn't take many photos there), we went to seattle to visit with seth and rebecca morrow and Shawn's aunt shelly and cousin Kyndra. we explored seattle with the morrows, and it was loads of fun! enjoy the pics.
shawn at the space needle |
here it is! |
view from the top |
us and the skyline |
seth and rebecca morrow, our tour guides and dear friends! |
the sign for the pike place market |
the entrance to the pike place market |
fresh fish everywhere! |
the famous pike place fish company |
if you look closely, you can see them throwing the fish! this is what they're famous for |
Seattle's piggy bank:) |
we found inca cola at a peruvian restaurant. tasted like bubble gum. |
some of the various house boats |
while we were at Gasworks park, <shown above>, we saw these "street performers" called Rock Steady. The photos were good...probably better than they actually were. sad. |
The troll under the Fremont bridge |
i'd like to give a shout out to jaclyn, the photographer! heehee, no really, these are great pictures! We had so much fun with you guys that day. Hope things are going well in Auburn!